About Me — Aiden Mathews

Hi, my name is Aiden, and I’m a co-founder and author on this cozy blog website dedicated to one of the best parts of a man’s body… the beard! I have to admit that I’ve been obsessed with beard care for the last 11 years. One day I woke up in college after a great party. Man, I was too lazy to shave and said “no” to my favorite сut-throat razor for the first time in my life. I didn’t touch it for two or three weeks after that and enjoyed the look and the feeling too much to shave facial have ever since!


You probably know that it’s usually quite difficult for black people to take care of their unruly hair. My beard appeared to be an even greater challenge than my dreadlocks back in college. However, I’m very determined when I like something, so I’ve already tested hundreds if not over a thousand of beard care products and tools from all price segments, as well as read and watched a lot of guides. Moreover, I passed a beard self-grooming course to keep it neat while traveling the world. You know, I don’t trust barbers until I ensure their proficiency without sacrificing my own beard! Still, I love experimenting when everything’s in my very own hands.

Now I can proudly call myself an expert in everything related to beard care products, beard grooming tools, and overall “bear-wearing” rules. Thanks to my good friend Jayden, I may give up worrying about the quality of our guides and reviews as he knows how a good text should look from a professional standpoint.

Jayden Dantre

Thanks for the intro, Aid. And hello to all the present and future readers! I’m Jayden Dantre, co-founder and editor-in-chief of this bearded website. I don’t know how it could happen, but both Aiden and I returned to our city from different colleges with almost the same beards! The only difference is that I gave up my journalistics college 2 years before graduation. I’m not looking for excuses, but I’m sure that I learned everything I needed within the first two years. However, due to leaving college after 2 years, I returned home at the same time as Aiden, who went to college 2 years before I did. So, yeah, we saw each other for the first time in 4 years and nearly died laughing at each other’s appearance transformation. Actually, our friends reacted the same and keep calling us 2Beards since then.

These days I work behind the bar stand in an awesome nightclub, enjoy playing bass guitar in a local band, and relax while editing and complementing Aiden’s guides and reviews on this cool website. My knowledge of beard care isn’t as deep as Aiden’s, so I call him master Jedi and myself a padawan. Nevertheless, I’m not legging behind too much and know quite a lot too. My main responsibilities here are to keep the texts looking fresh and straightforward, as well as to do the magic behind the scenes to make the website hit the first page of search engines as often as possible.

The idea of the blog came soon after our post-college reunion and it’s a pleasure to see how the readership grows week by week. I’m sure you will find tons of exciting and helpful stuff here.

About Us

When we decided to create a blog to share our findings, we couldn’t find a single online source about beards that would have everything we needed. Now we have our own source that closes the gap and brings valuable knowledge to thousands of our readers.

Here you will find numerous actionable tips and product recommendations based on our own expertise. Both of us faced various issues, including unruly hair, growth problems, skin irritation, dandruff, etc. Read our guides attentively to avoid our mistakes, and your beard will be shiny and happy. Don’t get surprised by the number of products needed for proper care as it’s almost the same as your girlfriends use to keep their hair healthy! We wish you to get adjusted to the healthy routines painlessly and enjoy your fabulous look forever and ever. It’s a pleasure to see when your efforts pay off. Even if your beard grows with bald patches right now, we know how to fix it, so don’t hesitate and add our blog to your bookmarks right away.

We test all the products that you see in the reviews. As for the guides, they are also all test-based. Still, if you find that something doesn’t work in your situation or you need clarification, you are welcome to contact us in the comments or via the Contact Us page.