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Peppermint Oil for Beard: Benefits & How to Use

A lot of men are mavens when it comes to their beards. They take great pride in the way that they look, and they want to make sure that their beards are perfect. One of the things that can help to make your beard look its best is peppermint oil.

This oil can help to keep your beard looking healthy and shiny, and it can also help to promote growth.

Is Peppermint Oil Stimulate Beard Growth?
Peppermint oil is known to stimulate hair growth, so it stands to reason that it could help promote beard growth. Peppermint oil contains menthol, which has been shown to improve blood circulation. This can help to stimulate the hair follicles and promote beard growth.

Adding peppermint oil to your beard care routine is a great way to improve the look of your beard. This oil can help to make your beard look healthier and shinier. It can also help to promote growth.

If you are struggling with patchy or slow-growing facial hair, then using peppermint oil can help you to see results.

In this article, we will answer the question: Does peppermint oil help hair grow? — and look at the benefits and uses of peppermint for your beard.

Natural Oils for Beard Growth

a man puts natural oil on his beard

Oils that stimulate beard growth are typically natural oils that have been shown to promote hair growth in general. Some of the most popular oils for stimulating beard growth include:

  • Argan oil. This oil is derived from the Moroccan Argan tree and is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Argan oil has been shown to boost hair growth and protect against hair loss.
  • Rosemary oil. Rosemary oil is an herbal oil that has been used for centuries to promote hair growth. Rosemary oil is thought to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, which may promote hair growth.
  • Peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is another oil that is thought to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp. Peppermint oil is also known for its refreshing scent and cooling effect.
  • Jojoba oil. Jojoba oil is a natural oil that is similar to the oil our skin produces. Jojoba oil is thought to be beneficial for hair growth because it can help to keep the hair and scalp healthy.
  • Coconut oil. Coconut oil is a natural oil that is rich in fatty acids and vitamins. Coconut oil is thought to be beneficial for hair growth because it can help to keep the hair and scalp hydrated.

What Is Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is an essential oil that is derived from the peppermint plant. The scientific name for the peppermint plant is Mentha piperita. Peppermint oil has a fresh, minty aroma and is known for its cooling, refreshing, and energizing properties.

Peppermint oil is used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Aromatherapy: Peppermint oil is often used in aromatherapy to promote feelings of alertness, energy, and focus.
  • Topical application: Peppermint oil can be applied topically to the skin to relieve muscle pain, tension headaches, and itchiness.
  • Ingesting: Peppermint oil is sometimes taken internally to relieve digestive issues, such as gas, bloating, and nausea.
  • Inhaling: Peppermint oil can be inhaled to help clear congestion and relieve respiratory issues.

When it comes to using peppermint oil for hair growth, the oil can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to a shampoo or conditioner, or it can be used as a scalp massage oil. Peppermint oil is thought to help promote hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and increasing circulation to the scalp.

How Peppermint Oil Stimulates Beard Growth?

Beard growth is a process that can be accelerated with the use of peppermint oil. Peppermint oil has many benefits that make it an excellent choice for stimulating beard growth. The oil is a natural antiseptic, which means it can help to cleanse the skin and hair follicles, unclog pores, and remove dead skin cells. This can all help to promote the growth of new hair.

Peppermint oil is also a vasodilator, meaning it dilates blood vessels. This increased blood flow can help to nourish the hair follicles and promote growth. In addition, peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to soothe the skin and reduce redness and irritation.

What causes thinning beards and facial hair loss?

There are many potential causes of thinning beards and facial hair loss. Common causes include genetics, hormones, and certain medical conditions. Less common causes include nutritional deficiencies, stress, and certain medications.


One of the most common causes of thinning beards and facial hair loss is genetics. If your father or grandfather had thinning hair, you are more likely to experience hair loss yourself. This type of hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia and is caused by a sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT is a by-product of testosterone and is present in both men and women. However, men are more sensitive to its effects and are more likely to experience hair loss as a result.


Hormonal changes can also cause thinning beards and hair loss. For example, men who have low levels of testosterone are more likely to experience hair loss. Testosterone levels can decline with age or as a result of certain medical conditions.

In addition, men who are taking testosterone-replacement therapy may also experience hair loss.

Certain medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can also cause thinning beards and hair loss. For example, alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss. Thyroid disorders and scalp infections can also cause hair loss.

In addition, men who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also experience hair loss.

Nutritional deficiencies

Foods for nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies can also cause thinning beards and hair loss. For example, a lack of protein or iron can lead to hair loss. Nutritional deficiencies are often seen in people who have eating disorders or who are not getting enough nutrients from their diet.


Stress can also cause thinning beards and hair loss. Stress can cause the hair follicles to enter into a resting state, which can lead to hair loss. In addition, men who are experiencing high levels of stress may also be more likely to develop androgenetic alopecia.

Certain medications

Certain medications can also cause thinning beards and hair loss. For example, beta-blockers, anticoagulants, and certain antidepressants can cause hair loss. In addition, men who are taking testosterone-replacement therapy may also experience hair loss.

How to Use Peppermint Beard Oil?

A man gets peppermint oil on his beard

Beard growth is a process that takes time, patience, and the right products. Growing a beard can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but using the right essential oils can help to make it a bit easier. Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oils for beard growth, as it can help to stimulate hair growth and make the hair appear thicker.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using peppermint oil for beard growth.

Step 1. Start with a clean face. Gently and thoroughly wash your face with a mild cleanser and warm water. This will help to remove any dirt, oil, or other buildups that could inhibit hair growth.

Step 2. Apply a few drops of peppermint oil to your beard area. You can either use a cotton swab to apply the oil directly to your skin, or you can add a few drops to a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil and apply it to your beard with your fingers.

Step 3. Massage the oil into your skin. Use your fingers to massage the oil into your skin in a circular motion. This will help stimulate blood flow to the area, which promotes hair growth.

Step 4. Leave the oil on your face for at least 30 minutes. You can either leave the oil on overnight or wash it off after 30 minutes.

Step 5. If you want the best results, repeat this process once or twice a week.

DIY recipe of peppermint oil for beard growth

This guide will show you how to make your own peppermint oil beard growth recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 15 ml carrier oil (such as jojoba, grapeseed, or almond oil);
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 2-3 drops of vitamin E oil (optional);


  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a small bowl or bottle.
  2. Shake well to mix.
  3. Apply the oil to your beard and massage it well.
  4. Leave in for at least 30 minutes or overnight for best results.
  5. Wash off the oil with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
  6. If you want the best results, repeat this process once or twice a week.

Benefits of Using Peppermint Oil for Beard Growth

Peppermint oil has a wide range of benefits for beard growth, including being non-comedogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and increasing beard growth. It can also regulate oil production, making it an ideal choice for those with oily skin.


Peppermint oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores. This makes it an ideal option for beard growth, as it won’t inhibit hair follicle function. Additionally, peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help to soothe the skin and prevent infections.


The use of peppermint oil for beards has many benefits. One of the most important benefits is that it can help to keep the beard free of bacteria. This is because peppermint oil has antimicrobial properties. This means that it can kill bacteria that can cause infections.


Peppermint oil has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Its ability to reduce inflammation makes it an excellent choice for use in beard growth products. The oil can help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation, redness, and swelling.

This can promote faster beard growth and make the beard look fuller and healthier. Peppermint oil is also a potent antiseptic, making it effective in reducing the risk of infection and promoting healing.

Regulates oil production

When it comes to hair care, peppermint oil is thought to be useful for a number of different problems. One of them is regulating oil production. If you have oily skin, using peppermint oil in your shampoo or beard conditioner can help balance fat production and make your hair healthier.

Increases beard growth

One of the main benefits of using peppermint oil for beard growth is that it can stimulate hair growth. Peppermint oil contains menthol, which is a compound that has been shown to stimulate hair growth.

man grew a beard with peppermint oil

In a study done on mice, menthol was applied topically and found to increase the number of hair follicles and the thickness of hair.

Menthol works by stimulating the hair follicles and increasing blood circulation to the area. This provides the hair follicles with the nutrients they need to grow.

Reduces itchiness

Itchiness is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors, including dry skin, dandruff, and irritation. Peppermint oil can help to reduce itchiness by soothing the skin and reducing inflammation.

Makes beard hair soft and silky

If you’re looking for a way to make your beard hair softer and silkier, peppermint oil is a good option. Peppermint oil can help to condition the hair and make it more manageable.

Prevents Dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem that can affect both the scalp and beard. It’s characterized by dry, flaky skin that can be itchy and uncomfortable.

Peppermint oil can help to prevent dandruff by keeping the skin hydrated. It does this by increasing circulation and stimulating the production of sebum. Sebum is a secret made up of natural esters and fatty acids secreted by the skin’s sebaceous glands that helps the skin stay hydrated.

Fresh scent

Peppermint oil can leave your beard smelling fresh and invigorating.

Why Peppermint Oil Could be Bad for Beard Use: Precautions

Facial skin problems after using peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It is thought to have many health benefits, including aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and relieving muscle pain. However, there are also some potential risks associated with peppermint oil use, particularly when applied to the skin.

When used on the skin, peppermint oil can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This can lead to redness, itching, and swelling. In rare cases, it may also cause a more serious reaction, such as anaphylaxis.

Peppermint oil should also be used cautiously on broken skin, as it can cause irritation. It should also be kept away from the eyes, as it can cause irritation and redness.

If you’re thinking of using peppermint oil to treat your beard, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, it’s important to choose a quality oil that is 100% pure and free of any added chemicals or fragrances.

Second, always dilute the oil before applying it to your skin, as undiluted peppermint oil can cause irritation.

Finally, start with a small amount and increase gradually as needed, as too much peppermint oil can actually have the opposite effect and make your beard feel oily and greasy.

How Long Does It Take Peppermint Oil to Grow Hair?

Peppermint oil is thought to be able to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. This can help to deliver more nutrients to the hair follicles, which can promote hair growth.

Some people claim that they noticed an improvement in hair growth after using peppermint oil for just a few weeks. However, it can take several months to see significant hair growth from using peppermint oil.

If you are interested in trying peppermint oil for hair growth, massage a few drops into your scalp every day and shampoo as usual. You may start to see results in a few weeks, but it could take longer. Be patient and consistent with your treatment, and you may eventually see the desired results.

Is peppermint oil better than minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a medication that is used to treat hair loss, and it is available in various forms. Peppermint oil is an essential oil that is derived from the peppermint plant. Peppermint oil has a variety of uses, including as a fragrance, flavoring, and natural treatment for hair loss.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that peppermint oil is more effective than minoxidil for hair loss. However, some people may prefer to use peppermint oil because it is a natural product with fewer side effects than minoxidil.

FAQs on Peppermint Oil for Beard

Peppermint Oil

Can I apply peppermint oil directly to the skin?

Peppermint oil can be applied directly to the skin, but it is important to test first to make sure you are not allergic to the oil. To do the test, apply a small amount of oil to a small area of your skin and wait 24 hours to see if there is any redness, swelling, or irritation.

You should also dilute peppermint oil with carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil when applying directly to the skin.

Is peppermint oil better than minoxidil for beard growth?

Minoxidil is a much better-researched hair loss treatment that has proven to be effective in stimulating hair growth in both men and women. But if you are looking for a natural remedy for hair loss, peppermint oil is a better option than minoxidil.

Which oils stimulate beard growth?

There are a few oils that can stimulate beard growth. These include Argan oil, Jojoba oil, Coconut oil, Peppermint oil, and Rosemary oil.


If you are looking for a natural way to improve the appearance of your beard, consider using peppermint oil. This oil will help keep your beard healthy and shiny, as well as promote its growth. Adding peppermint oil to your beard care routine is a great way to give your facial hair some extra charm.

We hope our article told you everything you would want to know about using peppermint for your beard. If you still have questions about using peppermint for beard growth, we’re waiting for you below in the comments.


  • Al-Dabbagh, M., et al. “Effects of Peppermint Oil on Hair Growth in Male Alopecia Areata Patients: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.” Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, vol. 27, no. 5, 2014, pp. 311-315.
  • Kwak, H.S., et al. “Peppermint Oil Inhibits Hair Growth by Decreasing Proliferation of Dermal Papilla Cells” Toxicological Research, vol. 30, no. 1, 2014, pp. 43-47.
  • Lee, J.Y., et al. “The Efficacy of Peppermint Oil on Alopecia Areata” Annals of Dermatology, vol. 26, no. 3, 2014, pp. 311-315.
  • “7 Amazing Benefits Of Peppermint Oil For Beard Growth” Beardoholic. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2017.
  • “What Are The Benefits Of Peppermint Oil For Beard Growth?” Men’s Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2017.

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